Wednesday, 24 May 2017


A cube is made of three sides; the length, breadth and height. This is also the basis of your life. The first dimension of a great life is the Length of life. This is the inward concern for one’s welfare. This is what causes a push to move forward, to achieve your goals and ambitions. This is the critical dimension of life where we are preoccupied with developing our inner powers. This is the selfish dimension of life. This is all about advancement, progress and achievement and all these result from well expressed ambitions and well defined dreams. The great a dream, the greater a person’s life becomes and as Dr. Robert Schuller said “There are no great people in this world, we are all ordinary individuals but the difference between us is that some have got bigger dreams than others.”
The second dimension of a great life is the breadth of life. This is the outward concern for the welfare of others. Greatness is also achieved by not being self centered but by focusing on empowering others. The more people you empower in life, the more you will enjoy in your life. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, observed “A man has not begun to live until he can rise above the narrow confines of his own individual concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity”. In fact by lighting other lamps, you make yours more brighter. Have a reflection of all great men and women in history then you will discover how they lived beyond themselves and most of them did not care much about their personal interests but offered their lives for the welfare of humanity. Examples are Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, J.F. Kennedy, Prof. Wangari Maathai, etc who made huge sacrifices in their life for the sake of the community. Remember anyone can be great because anyone can serve.
The last dimension is the height of life. In order to achieve an all round greatness, one must master the third dimension of a great life. You must move beyond the self interest (Length), empowering humanity (breadth) and reach up, way up for the God of universe, the creator of heaven and earth. Unfortunately most people forget this and after achieving the two dimensions, they assume they have achieved everything they wanted in life. Most attain the length of life, a few achieve the breadth of life while one or none achieve the height of life. We still need God and it is an obligation whether we like it or not otherwise we are only but pursuing a rat race. Most of us use God as a stepping stone to cross a flooded river but immediately forget about the stone after crossing to the other side of the water. Those who forget about God in the pursuit of greatness end up very badly and in life it does not matter how you begun but how you finish.
This is the three dimension of a complete life as propagated by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Love yourself, love your neighbor and love your God. Embrace the three dimensions for a greater life.
Don’t Dream It, Be it.

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