Sunday 14 May 2017


What is in you is like fire and whether you try to hide it will just come out. As it sprouts out, your vision must be known to the world. This vision will create other leaders as you become great day by day. As you climb this ladder, I wish to caution you of the three G’s that Myles Munroe cautioned of. Beware of Glory, Gold and Girls. These are what I summarize as the three G’s. As I was reading through the great book written by the great teacher and leader, Alex Ihama, I read of these three G’s he learned from the late Munroe and felt I will be very selfish for not sharing this treasure with you. The three G’s are sure ways of falling a man if not well managed.
Glory is awaiting you if you live a life of purpose. Popularity and prosperity which you seek and die for notoriously are only valuable and sustainable if received as a result of the pursuit of purpose. Recall glory and fame should never be motivators of leadership; people are always attracted to leadership. Glory is reserved for God. We are tempted to be glorified whenever power and leadership comes our way. Munroe said fame should never be the focus, but in the humble belief of self as a source of inspiration to others.
With Gold, Dr. Munroe advises that when we discover our purpose in life and give give up everything for it, riches will come. But money should not be a motivator for leadership and should be managed effectively to fulfill the purpose and advance the vision. He believed that leaders should work hard to make themselves comfortable, but never at the expense of their purpose and the people entrusted to them. Gold must be spent to advance a vision that is greater than the self, as well as to expand the kingdom of God. In Kenya, I have examples of great men and women of God who have been fallen by the greed for Gold, chasing for political offices in order to make money. They have been sent to oblivion and their vision shattered.
As for Girls, this is the greatest indicator and temptation a man of purpose is bound to face. Munroe related his best form of protection against temptations when traveling around the world was to travel with his wife. It is a wise action of integrity. Power attracts temptations and many have fallen because of girls. Beware of beautiful girls ready to bring you down.
Memorize the 3 G’s, practice them and you will be a great leader. Don’t Dream It, Be It.

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