Andrew Habel Odongo is a Kenyan by birth,
holding a master of Business administration ( Project management) degree and a
bachelor of education (science) degree with various postgraduate
Odongo has a spectrum of experience in a range
of fields of atleast 15 years in the NGO, Education, Banking,
Publishing/Editing, Leadership and Governance, Project Management and
Entrepreneurship sector. He is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of
Support Innovations for Peace and Education- NGO, founder and Executive
Director of Uwezo Accelerated and Tech Hub, a Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur,
Founder/CEO of the virtual home of transformative leaders dubbed Great Leaders
Hub, a consultant editor and writer and an advocate of the youths empowerment
and inspiration.
I cherish a society where everyone is given an
opportunity to advance his/her dreams without limitations. We must provide a
conducive environment for people to realize their full talents and pursue it to
the fullest. I don’t believe in a society that places a monkey, an elephant and
fish at the bottom of a tree and tells them to compete climbing the tree.
Obviously the monkey will emerge the winner. This does not mean that the fish
is foolish. Everyone is born a genius and if we judge fish by its ability to
climb a tree then we shall make it foolish the rest of its time. The fish is a
genius in water. We are all geniuses but it depends on where we are best suited
to achieve this ingenuity.
This blog is dedicated to every young
entrepreneur at Uwezo Accelerated and Tech Hub, Great Leaders Hub and all
people whose potential is burning inside to come out. Obviously they are a
majority wishing to bring their potential out. Am therefore provoking you, move
out of the comfort zone and pursue your destiny. Don’t dream it, Be it.
Be inspired. With all warm regards. Have safe
journey in pursuit of your hidden self.
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